"I was living the experiences as Andrew Pruett told his stories."

"I underline when I read - favorite parts - emotionally connecting phrases that go deep into my heart - outstanding descriptive words. I did a lot of underlining, A LOT. Sometimes I marked entire paragraphs.

I was living the experiences as Andrew Pruett told his stories. Real and detailed stories. The author will show you that water is much more than wet.

“Water has made me who I am,” Andrew wrote.

Jump in feet first. Paddle, float, flap your arms and legs. Hold your breath. And read."

Priscilla C.
Underwood, IA

Meteors, wolves, northern lights, banana slugs, inflatable shoes, rain forests, hollowed-out logs, stray dogs, and lots of water! For as scattered-brained as I tend to be, Shaped by Water held my attention.

Mary T.
White Plains, NY

Author Andrew Pruett operates an Air B&B & received a review from one of his guests on his upcoming book, Shaped by Water.

Kiersten Hall